Washington: WA Vegetarian singles ads. WA vegan singles ads. WA raw food singles ads.

Bellingham | Colbert | Colville | Edmonds | Friday Harbor | Kirkland | Langley | Mill Creek | Mossyrock | Olympia | Pullman | Redmond | Republic | SeaTac | Seattle | Seattle area | Shoreline | Spokane | Vancouver | walla walla |

David, a  Raw food in Seattle David
is a 52 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Raw food diet.

Ultimately - I am consciousness - an infinite energy - an enlighten spirit having an experience on this physical plane -               

I am way into extreme health - well being and transformation - I enjoy barefoot hiking and using a mini trampoline - my objective is to be an expert in nutrition - I have been studying almost everyday for twelve years - as a purist - totally organic or wild grown - true superfoods - superherbs - totally raw vegan for seven years - on the Longevity Now program - three years vegan before that - I have a passion for creating raw edible art - my favorite is cacao hempseed cereal - as an Alchemist - studying orbitally rearranged monatomic elements - ormus - I have been a raw vegan chef for awhile and taught classes on nutrition at health food stores - I am here to make a difference in peoples lives - by telling them about tools and techniques that are available - planting seeds that become wisdom - I am into Buddhism - it expresses what I live by - however - I go more on my spiritual path as a peaceful Jedi - than going by any organized - controlling religions - my main objective is to raise the conscious vibration - critical mass - I have been tuned into the fifth dimension for the past year - which is like being in a virtual reality at a constant - I am studying to be an Earthing technician - a newer grounded technology - I watch a lot of lectures and documentaries online - have not owned a tv for nine years - it's been wonderful - I don't gamble - don't buy anything that is not essential - don't play sports for competition - competition is a tweaked mentality - I enjoyed drinking in my twenties - have not been drunk for twelve years - I am way organized - I love to clean things - way detail oriented - that's why I am good at building Custom homes for a living - however - I'd rather be a superfoods farmer - which I will be - the world needs more farmers NOW! - I would like to build a hemp house and a tree house - I enjoy peace and quiet - in a constant state of mindfulness - then go off on a very focused creativity spurt -  get inspired and write lyrics - by listening to loud alternative - grunge music - Pearl Jam - Stone Temple Pilots - Sleater Kinney and Puddle of Mudd - I have fun doing impressions - like Harrison Ford - I am an excellent listener - love stimulating conversations and can talk about any topic in the universe - I am extremely well balanced - keep up with reinventing myself - like this year - writing a song called  Reinvented - so - where am I from ... my mother - I'm playin - my family comes from Austria - 1908 - I have lived in five states - now in Seattle for twelve years.

VeggiePagan, a  Vegetarian in Spokane VeggiePagan
is a 39 year old, female.
Living in Spokane, Washington
Vegetarian diet.

I've been vegetarian since I was 12 and I'm the only one in my family and have very few veg*n friends. I'm an atheist neopagan witch, feminist, socialist, and wannabe artist. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Art History and I minored in Philosophy and Women's Studies, later I went back to community college for Floral Design. I am on Social Security disability for my narcolepsy which mostly manifests as 12-hour sleeps and nocturnality. I spend my time online, watching tv/movies. playing video games, and reading.  I've spent the pandemic becoming a Trekkie, trying to up my nerd cred.

I love: Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings, Marvel Cinematic Universe, classic rock, fantasy and sci-fi books, complicated board games, cats, rainbows.

I hate meat, drugs, guns, hunters, republicans, worms, gum, the color blue.

David, a  Vegan in Colbert David
is a 45 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Colbert, Washington
Vegan diet.

I am a philosopher-scientist, lifelong chaste vegan, blue-eyed, brown-haired (with mostly blond, red facial hair,) Bohemian-American, Scottish/English, Bulgarian, Prussian, Lithuanian. I am a meditator/yogi studying the 'pagan' (non-abrahamic) religions. I like nature: forests, food & herb gardening, camping & hiking, running, natural water swimming. I have been an artist (illustrator, sculptor, writer, poet, musician) since infancy and am inspired by Hellenic sculpture, Roman architecture, Renaissance painting, Rupert and Prince Valiant comics.

Justin, a  Vegan in Pullman Justin
is a 51 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Pullman, Washington
Vegan diet.

I prefer not to date/marry any NON Vegetarians and Vegans.

The way I describe myself:

  • Healthy
  • Spiritual
  • Youthful
  • Physically fit
  • Integrity; Former Military
  • Intelligent; Master’s Degree (PhD - ABD)
  • Private; no social media accounts.
  • Professional
  • *Communication is important*

Daily Routine:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • One Healthy Vegan Meal (OMAD; Intermittent fasting)

In detail, dietary practices are extremely important for me. Accordingly, I believe Vegetarians and Vegans are special people that are primarily compatible with the same. In addition to dietary practices, Spiritual People are special and unique. I believe Spiritual People are only compatible with other Spiritual People; with similar beliefs and practices.

I have always been spiritual; more than religious. In 2007, my spiritual lifestyle and journey accelerated with “The Secret”, “Conversations with God”; series, “Butterflies Fly For Free”, and “Echkart Tolley”; series. As with any standard education, I have advanced far beyond these excellent sources.

I believe “everything happens for a reason”. This statement describes my spiritual path: “everything has happened for a reason” regardless of whether I understand the reason. Accordingly, I embrace all experiences.

Sometimes, people who are not conducive to your spiritual growth and development fall away; in order for you to continue in your spiritual journey. After 20 years of a good marriage, I am divorced; no major issues; we just grew apart. I continue to experience a peaceful happy life.

Sometimes, people relocate, in order to advance in their spiritual journey. I have lived all over the world. In 2016, I relocated from Houston, Texas. I have a peaceful happy life in a rural area; away from the big city; partially off-the-grid (sustainable garden, solar panels, no television service, etc).

I am optimistic, excited, and always look forward to new opportunities and experiences. I look forward to meeting someone who is compatible; with similar dietary practices and a similar spiritual path; everything else will develop accordingly. If you are interested you are welcome to contact me to explore new opportunities and experiences; together.

Eric, a  Raw food in Seattle Eric
is a 51 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Raw food diet.

People have remarked the most about me (w/words like quoted) on my: optimism/positivity "Everything?s just perfect and great to you, huh??; non-judgmentalness ?There?s no one else I?ve felt comfortable telling this to?; sense of humor ?What?? ?What are you laughing about?? "What's that smirk on your face?"; calmness ?But then nothing bothers you. You?re OK with everything?; patience ?I don?t know if I?ve ever seen you that mad/upset?; health ?Wow, you must have a lot of discipline!?; uniqueness ?You?re so varied/unusual/atypical.? A very high percentage of the foods I've eaten since year 2000 has been raw. That's mainly for health reasons, but even if there weren't any health reasons, I would do it for any other single reason there is. Same goes for being vegan, which I've done (with [in my mind at least] few/small exceptions) since 1988. I have never even *tasted* read meat, pork, or poultry. Never smoked tobacco, nor been drunk. At the same time, I'm very accepting and understanding of where anyone is on his/her path though.

Allison, a  Vegan in Friday Harbor Allison
is a 66 year old, Atheist female.
Living in Friday Harbor, Washington
Vegan diet.

Here are a several things that I like and love: 


The Planet

Good vegan food



A bird in flight

Dog zoomies




Are these in order? Hmmm...they are what came to mind while typing.

Blessing, a  Vegan in SeaTac Blessing
is a 74 year old, Atheist female.
Living in SeaTac, Washington
Vegan diet.

Very, very, vegan. Old, but still young. Happy, but still recovering from lockdown. Tired, but very active. Hearing, but not as well as in the past. Compassionate, but unable to pay your bills! Charming, but no time for narcissists. Cute, but not hung up on appearance. Basically, I'm a radical, fringe weirdo in true independent style.

Mike, a  Vegetarian in Seattle Mike
is a 54 year old, Atheist male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegetarian diet.

Seeking a co-adventurer for folk and partner dancing, biking, backpacking, making music and more. I am a recovering Mormon (now very liberal & atheist), tall and thin, never married, and no kids. People in my life describe me as easy going, empathetic, light on drama, a relaxed perfectionist, and I would add, as equally enthused about being on a remote mountain as staying at home to read a book or off on the next quest for a new adrenaline rush. I have always been something of a wallflower in groups but love one-on-one conversations. I can tolerate most forms of music and really enjoy some, mostly classical, international, and political.

Selena , a Veg at home in Seattle Selena
is a 31 year old, Christian female.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Veg at home diet.

Hi! I'm Selena, a vegan woman passionate about sustainability, animal rights, and nature. Seeking a like-minded partner to share adventures, try new vegan spots, and make a positive impact together. Kind, genuine, and supportive individuals welcome! 

veggiesmiles, a  Vegetarian in Mossyrock veggiesmiles
is a 73 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Mossyrock, Washington
Vegetarian diet.


For every successful relationship, every woman needs love, affection, romance, respect, honesty, surprises, good communication, and much more, including help in the kitchen from time to time.

I enjoy cooking, I’ve fixed things; carpentry, plumbing, electrical, tiling, unblocked drains and cleaned gutters. In the past, I have dug a garden, grew vegetables, flowers, made a ton of jam, baked bread, bathed babies, sat up all night when my kids were ill, and took them to church on a Sunday. I've done most things a guy could do, except extreme sports. 

I am an easy-going person who likes to joke. I like the countryside, reading, meditation, and some sports. I am semi-retired and originate from Ireland, I'm a fun loving guy that does not see animals as food, a non-drinker/non-smoker and a Virgo/Tiger.

My travels include India, Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Kenya, Hong Kong, Thailand, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Italy India and Fiji.

I am more spiritual than religious, and very stable emotionally. I am always looking for ways to improve myself and appreciate Art, Music and outdoor activities. 

I believe that what comes around goes around and expect to be treated as you would like to be treated; I like giving massages and helping with life’s problems.

I am neat, clean and tidy, but not to extremes; hardworking, reliable, honest and faithful to that special person.

I prefer not to be around dogs or cats, but a bird or a few fish are ok. I also believe my immune system is all I need against any viruses.

I like walking, swimming, photography, Astrology, vegetarian cooking, gardening, writing, reading, travel, meditation, movies, DIY and, Art. Looking for a compatible someone who is easy on the eye, honest, and ready to enter a good friendship or relationship.


About my ideal mate.

The ability to laugh at you own mistakes, honest and loyal. You must be faithful with your words and feelings. I’m seeking a healthy and happy woman with a big sense of humor, to love and adore. I am seeking a best friend and true companion.

I want to spend the rest of my life with someone I can love and trust, and who is caring and kind. Looks are important to an extent but good character is more important. I want to meet a woman who can love and accept me for what I am… to walk the remaining miles of our lives together in harmony.

A sense of humor is essential, and she must be intelligent and educated.


Nithish, a  Vegetarian in Seattle Nithish
is a 31 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegetarian diet.

I've been vegetarian all my life, that it feels part of my identity.

I enjoy the abundance of natural beauty, the Pacific Northwest has to offer. I try to take advantage of it as much as possible. This means skiing in the winter, hiking and backpacking in the summer. I've dabbled a bit in mountaineering, but haven't done much in the recent couple of years on that front.

For the city life, I enjoy cafes, breweries, classy cocktail bars and music venues. Like to watch light hearted, feed good content on TV. Modern Family is my favorite show of all times.

I'm a good cook - you'd be surprised at the number of vegetarian dishes I can make. They all tend to be from South Indian cuisine, which is where I grew up.



Odd Bird, a  Vegan in Redmond Odd Bird
is a 60 year old, male.
Living in Redmond, Washington
Vegan diet.

I am such an odd bird in so many ways. I am happy to be free of all the typical super normal stimuli that seems to plague my friends, family, and coworkers. I am the only one I know who doesn’t consume alcohol, meat, dairy, fish, eggs, oils, and avoids C.R.A.P. (Calorie Rich And Processed foods). Life is precious and every hour counts. I read: Dr Alan Goldhammer, Chef AJ, Dr John Macdougall, Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins, T Collin Campbell, David Buss, and more. I am an introvert, highly conscientious, and a teacher.

Bithia, a  Almost veg in Olympia Bithia
is a 46 year old, Christian female.
Living in Olympia, Washington
Almost veg diet.

Resident of WA for 5+years, born and raised CA girl! I'm a beginner vegetarian/pescatarian, and look forward to the lifestyle! Wanting to find and be around more like minded people on the same path.

More importantly, I'm very much a believer in/follower of Jesus, so if you're not, we can just be friends.

PNWVegan, a  Vegan in Shoreline PNWVegan
is a 69 year old, Atheist lesbian.
Living in Shoreline, Washington
Vegan diet.

I have been vegetarian or vegan for over 30 years, now strictly vegan for the animals, the environment, and my physical and emotional health. I live alone but near my grown daughters and my grandkids, and I have a dog who graciously shares her life with me. I enjoy kayaking, snorkeling, pickleball, gardening, walking, beachcombing, reading, oh so many things! Please reach out and I will respond. Thank you.

John, a  Vegan in Shoreline John
is a 69 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Shoreline, Washington
Vegan diet.

I've been vegetarian since 1976, and vegan since 2018. I'm in a polyamorous relationship. I'm looking for a plyamourous girlfriend for going on walks and hikes, watching movies, having dinner, snuggling. Maybe plauying music?. I would love to go out with another vegan, just so I don't have to have the awkward conversation about where to eat dinner before we even go on a first date . . .

I always have the book I'm reading at hand, I have lots of flower gardens, I think laughter is an important ingredient for a good life. As is music. I'm serious and playful, smart and silly, passionate and compassionate.

Jaden, a  Vegan in Seattle Jaden
is a 51 year old, Buddhist male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I'm a spiritual free thinker, long time vegan and passionate about liberty for all beings.    I question all forms of authority but also work to cultivate inner peace and tranquility.   I meditate regularly and enjoy being close to nature.   I practice mindfulness and kindness towards all beings.

Sarah, a  Vegan in Vancouver Sarah
is a 37 year old, Agnostic / not religious female.
Living in Vancouver, Washington
Vegan diet.

My friends describe me as a diamond in the rough, my neighbor says I'm fun, and my relatives would say I'm serious and kind. I say I'm a rare breed on my own path, seeking a partner to join me on the journey we call life through all its ups, downs, twists, and turns.

Animals and food bring me the most joy! That's why I started my own pet-sitting business a couple years ago. In my free time you'll find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm or laughing at comedians like Amy Schumer, Taylor Tomlinson, Iliza Shlesinger, Fran Lebowitz, and Ron White.

I believe in quality over quantity, nature cures the blues, and honesty is always the best policy.

Christopher, a  Veggie/vegan in Seattle Christopher
is a 54 year old, Agnostic / not religious male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Veggie/vegan diet.

As far as I know--and I'll be as happy as anyone to be proven wrong--we get one ride on this beautiful blue orb, a few dozen trips around the sun if we're lucky. I intend to make the most of this opportunity.

I've spent the last 20 years working in the solar energy and sustainable living field:  consulting, teaching, and doing graphic design. Taking a rather significant sabbatical from that, I opened a wine & whiskey bar in Fremont a few years ago. A different kind of solar energy, as it were. I'm just getting back into the solar energy and design work, now, transitioning to someone else managing the wine bar.  It's nice to have a life, again.

But about that opportunity to make the most out of this lifeitme: I'm quite intrepid on a good day, not into anything life threatening, but willing to try almost anything else. I'm active--hiking, biking, snowshoeing & walking around the city--and I like to create things, build things, make things, take things apart, maybe put them back in one piece, on a good day. I write a little, play a bit of music, dance a little, and have been vegetable gardening and making pottery and other artforms for many years. I love to cook, I have two gorgeous tabby cats who have been a part of my life for 15 years, and I love the idea of country living in the city, however that manifests.

I would love to meet a kind spirit, someone curious, compassionate, understanding, open minded, and with a fantastic smile. Someone who sees beauty everywhere, isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, and thinks that when things go wrong, it's just a new kind of adventure.

Please write if you think that it would be fun to meet for a walk around town, a glass of wine, a bike ride, a bite to eat, or any other kind of urban adventure. I love meeting new people, and maybe one of those people is you!

Jonathan, a  Vegan in Seattle Jonathan
is a 72 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

Interested in spiritual growth. Yoga and meditation is a focus in my life, along with holistic health and fitness and ecology. Leisure time is important to me, as is travel. Non-materialistic and loves sunshine and the simple things, like hiking,reading and learning new things. I've studied communication skills. I'm fascinated by the evolving of society and it's transformation to a higher frequency.

JCA, a  Vegan in Redmond JCA
is a 56 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Redmond, Washington
Vegan diet.

I'm a creative type and haven't really grown up, but I'm a responsible, smart, nice guy. I do visual work for films and commercials and enjoy it, and I'm a long time musician. I like being active - sports like rock climbing or mountain biking. Just moved back to the Seattle area after being in San Francisco for 13 years; it's fun rediscovering this area. I've been vegan for about 12 years and it seems to be going well. I like high energy music (Tool, Godsmack) and I love movies of all kinds. I'm a comic book geek - I worked on the Hellboy and Sin City films, so it's work related! Graduated cum laude with an English degree. I grew up going to church but "woke up" as a teenager and I think of myself as spiritual, in the sense that I believe there's more than just the here and now. I recently read some Hindu interpretations of parts of the Bible, and it gave me new respect for both religions. I would love to meet someone to go to movies with, hang out and talk, rock out at concerts, whatever. I'm kind of a dork, but in a cool way. :)

Animaluva, a  Vegan in Seattle Animaluva
is a 55 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I value Family, a few very close friends, those voiceless and helpless beings that can't defend themselves such as animals and children. Also I'm very connected to nature and the arts.

Was Pescatarian (dairy & fish)  most of my life, until... I attended the Animal Rights Conference in L.A. In July of 2014 and made the connection to the horrific abuse that also goes on in dairy and fishing industries!

So, ethical Vegan all the way since then and do as much contributing to the local animal advocacy groups in Seattle as I can while working a full time job covering the entire state as a technical dental rep.

For fun,  love to explore both the beautiful Pacific NW as well as try to go to a new place in the U.S. or world at least once a year. Also enjoy most cultural events especially plays and live music. Try to drop into Improv Acting practices and Karoake nights monthly as well to really have fun "playing" and just get out of head...always makes me feel like a kid again! :-)




Sandy, a  Veggie/vegan in Seattle Sandy
is a 60 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Veggie/vegan diet.

Hi!  I joined this site to meet like minded people who care about animals and the environment! I am vegetarian right now, working on vegan. I will eat eggs from my neighbors happy chickens, but that's about it. I went veg because I love and respect animals and do not believe that they were put on this earth to live horrible lives so that I can stuff my face with hamburgers and hotdogs.  I have been an animal activist for a number of years and do horse massage which I love! I am a pretty strong woman but am Italian, so love to take care of people, ha ha! I love the outdoors but don't hike or ski, etc. I'm more of a road trip lover looking for beauty and wildlife.  I have a sarcastic sense of humor which PNW people may not get. I hope you have a good sense of humor, it's a must!  I'm more on the introverted side so love spending time with a few close friends talking about anything and everything. I work pretty hard during the day in corporate America, so like to relax with friends or a good movie with my two dogs. Most of my friends are married with kids as I tend to hang out with younger people than me. I will never get old in my head, ha ha! I love good wine and make a mean vegan chili. -) 

Lily40, a  Vegetarian in Edmonds Lily40
is a 47 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Edmonds, Washington
Vegetarian diet.

I am down to earth, reasonably well traveled, hard working, and kind person, who loves animals and cultivates long term friendships.  I enjoy sailing, sewing, walking in the sunshine or woods, tennis, dining out, wine tasting, paint nite, and trying new experiences.  I have been a vegetarian for about 27 years, and am a former vegan.  I enjoy cooking for those I care about, and am I can make a mean gluten free vegan chocolate chip cookie!

I grew up Seattle, but lived in LA, Houston and Chicago.  I moved back home to be with my family 4 years ago and enjoy being able to have dinner with them every week and celebrate holidays and milestones together.  I have a job that keeps me pretty busy, but enjoy the people I work with more than anything.  



Steph, a  Veggie/vegan in Seattle Steph
is a 35 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Veggie/vegan diet.

I've been veggie for several years now, and would like to meet more people with similar beliefs and habits. I love to go out and explore new places, near and far. I work with kids, so have to have a pretty good sense of humor to survive that. I'm a cross between a Monica and a Phoebe. I'm interested in and open to many things, let's chat! 

sj, a  Almost veg in walla walla sj
is a 69 year old, spiritual female.
Living in walla walla, Washington
Almost veg diet.

UPDATED 4/2019

gosh, I've never done anything like this, so where to start? From Colorado originally, with 13 years in Texas and 20 in Calif, going on 18 in WA. Family of 6 kids, I'm in the middle. First career was accounting with a major hotel chain; second was with a worldwide natural foods market, more the real me-- I'm very holistic health minded. I'm a giver in many ways, and trusting, sometimes too much in both areas, but I'm learning. Moving from a condo in the Bay Area to a 1921 Craftsman home, I've learned what it takes to keep it up. I unexpectedly became a caregiver for my father for 15 years, a time that had incredible challenges. I'm involved, volunteering for varied entities that interest me, such as renewable energy, hospice, art venues, historic homes, public transportation, Friends (like a big sister/brother), WWBlues Society, progressive issues of the day, and more. I managed a wine shuttle business for 3 years before Covid hit.  I love photography and music of many types, (not country or rap), work at staying physically fit, and though very serious, am equally happy and silly.  My heart yearns for intimacy, mental and physical. Someone who loves our planet and takes measures to care for it in everyday life. Someone who doesn't blindly follow what mainstream doctors dictate. Someone who wants to share the simple things in life, looking forward together. Someone who won't smother me, nor ignore me for too long. Someone who knows how to talk problems out, instead of yelling or sweeping under the rug. Real men DO talk!  We're all growing and learning on some path.....I'm looking for someone to walk with in the path of life, and all that it entails.....but there has to be love!  (Other than that, a good friend is always nice to have, if there isn't love or intimacy.)

UPDATE 2/3/22:  A chiropractor broke 6 vertebrae 2 years ago. It has altered my body, my life, my hope. I should probably take this "ad" off of here, I forgot I was on it!   David, thank you for the wink today. You seem like a great guy. 

John, a  Vegan in Seattle John
is a 55 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I love taking photos, exploring, conversation & coffee, reading about all kinds of things, especially astrology, psychology, sociology, eastern thought, art history and fiction.

17 years vegetarian plus 3 years RAW VEGAN.


MXFabster, a  Vegetarian in Kirkland MXFabster
is a 49 year old, female.
Living in Kirkland, Washington
Vegetarian diet.

Todd, a  Vegan in Seattle Todd
is a 59 year old, Atheist male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I am very politically active (left). I love dancing and playing music; I like bicycle and motorcycle riding, movies, tennis, scrabble, dining out or cooking, hiking, swimming, traveling and reading. I became a vegetarian in 1986 for health reasons, and then after reading "Diet for a New America" I became a vegan for ALL the reasons (environment, animal rights, etc.)

JOVIEL, a  Vegetarian in Seattle JOVIEL
is a 64 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegetarian diet.

Divine Relationship

A Sacred Temple where the purpose
of the infinite is fulfilled.
An evolution of awareness within...

A mirror to us,
that reveals that which we are,
both known and unknown.
The embrace of reflections,
profound lessons revealed.

To find our Hearts Opening in the
Depth of its Revelations,
Understanding, and Release.

An Act of Love,
allowing compassionate insight
and permitting the necessary movement,
in awareness to expand the mystery.

The Evolution into Divine Love!

This is what I truly seek with you...
My Beloved Sacred Mate...
to stand with you & for you
as I do for myself in the
Oneness of Divine Love & Loving.


Selfless, a  Vegan in Seattle Selfless
is a 72 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I am very understanding and compassionate. Love conversation and music.. I'm also an amateur musician. Music and animal welfare is part of my life.

Michael, a  Vegan in Seattle Michael
is a 45 year old, spiritual male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I turned onto Raw foods in 2001, that lead me into vegan foods.. and I've been v for like 8 years. Rawfoods is the dream. I've been building myself a place near Seattle for the past 3 summers... I'll try and get a picture up for you. It's an old barn, renovated into a 2700 foot studio. I love it. I intend to have it as a homebase for creative work projects and maybe world travel.. I'm into running, hiking, backpacking, and snowboarding. I've completed the PCT for 2600 miles up the west coast. I've lived in LA for 4 years and I've been traveling for work living in LA, The Bay Area, and near Seattle. I like internet, making money, trance music, energy medicine, body work, superfoods, working out, adventures, travel, beauty, books, nature, and adventurous friends. Currently I'm in the Bay Area, Walnut Creek. I'll be home in Washington for the summer... after that, wide open. Pry Tropical. I'm Scorpio. Manifesting Generator if you know Human Design... Hanna in MV, you should get to know me. wink if you agree.

Leah, a  Vegan in OLYMPIA Leah
is a 64 year old, spiritual female.
Living in OLYMPIA, Washington
Vegan diet.

Hi,thank-you for taking the time to read my ad.. San Diego native. Lover of Nature,camping,wanna be carpenter, playing at sports,I 'd like to take vegan cooking clases, like to visit book stores, yard sales, movies, theather, Sunday drives,home repair projects are fun for me. Seeker of adventure & Self Growth, genuine amicable person into healthly lifestyle. LIFE IS A BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE & WONDER TO BE SHARED not a upgraded member so if you would like me to write tell me so..I'll send you a hello! Good- luck gentlemen on your journey for your what your seeking. Ms.Leah

Marty, a  Vegan in Seattle Marty
is a 55 year old, Atheist male.
Living in Seattle, Washington
Vegan diet.

I'm a down-to-Earth vegan musician by night, and a driving instructor by day. I currently play lead guitar in an Alt/Country band that you've never heard of, and I also sometimes play singer/songwriter type acoustic gigs. I like almost every kind of music you can think of, from Rock, Funk and Soul to Jazz and Classical to Reggae and Bluegrass.

Turn ons: Consentual kissing, cuddling, and caressing.

Turn offs: Fascists.

affinity, a  Veggie/vegan in seattle affinity
is a 75 year old, Buddhist male.
Living in seattle, Washington
Veggie/vegan diet.

attractive mind and physical being. musician/writer/healer/teacher/meditation practitioner/green business owner/environmentalist/right brain in charge/heart and mind in gear/comic/devoted family man/good cook/kind/good for the people in my life, they all say so!/integrated naturalist, I know where we came from and how we function biologically, not allowing politics to override the truth of human biology, we are animals eating vegetables and blessed with minerals-crystals for our well being/martial (healing arts) teacher, massage teacher/the total package! you will be pleased to find a man who lives well/ conscious eating and shopping/making sense in senseless times/the automobile (internal combustion engine in general) has not worked out well for the planet/If you like to face reality and keep good humor, if you like to share deeply of the basic goodness and energy of life, write to me!/

Rebecca, a  Veggie/vegan in Seattle area Rebecca
is a 58 year old, female.
Living in Seattle area, Washington
Veggie/vegan diet.

I'm a bright, energetic, and artsy person. I enjoy photography, sailing, cooking, going for walks with my dogs, going to the cinema, reading, listening to music, and going to the symphony and to museums. My interests are very diverse -- from basket weaving to computer programming to linguistics to traveling. I have been classically educated and am recently retired from the software industry where I worked for over a decade.

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