Wayzata, minnesota vegetarians, vegans and raw foodist events and singles dating

is a 71 year old, spiritual female.
Living in Wayzata, minnesota
Vegetarian diet.
I'm a Minnesota Native planning to move away from the brutal climate here,I desire to live on a few acres of land,yet close to a small progressive town to be able to enjoy the arts and be part of a community.
Passionate about both mountain wilderness and simple island lifestyle. Well traveled both nationally and internationally,enjoy staying with the locals and simple cottages.Also,enjoy being at home,in the local lake,hiking the trails,dancing,classic movies,reading and gardening.
Excellent communicator,honest ,open ,intelligent authentic,kind and individualistic Able to think outside any box. Great sense of humor and fun.Affectionate and romantic, 100 % monogamous,falling in love and staying in love is a priority in my life.
I am healthy emotionally,spiritually and physically.Had wonderful folks married over 50 years.
I have enjoyed working as an R.N.,first in critical care,then hospice and community nursing.Just retired but do a lot of volunteer nursing work.
I have social/global awareness and I am compassionate and care about people/animals/environment.