cultural Humanism

cultural Humanism for herosjourney, a  Vegan herosjourney


, 68 year old Caucasian / White male, 6' 1 /185cm with Slim build.
Living in Medford, Oregon, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

I am a professional male, introverted, easygoing, health-conscious, creative, intelligent, emotionally available, sensitive, caring, nurturing, compassionate, understanding, romantic, and a good listener.

I like to do most outdoor activities, including hiking, rafting, biking, and running.  I also enjoy movies, dining out, healthy food, a walk in the park, outdoor events like concerts and dance, I like contra dancing and west coast swing.  I am conscious about veganism and animal rights.  I am not religious or spiritual but accepting of other's beliefs.  I look and feel younger than my actual age so I hope that does not dissuade possible matches.

cultural Humanism for Johnny, a  Vegetarian vegan Johnny


, 48 year old Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Eagle Point, Oregon, United States
with children Not home, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

I graduated with honors and a BS in chemistry from the University of Hawaii in 2019.  Born and raised on a farm in Iowa but attended a military high school in Missouri.  The Medford, Oregon area has been home since June 2019.

My son is 18 and lives in Arizona with his mama.  We have remained close friends despite divorcing in 2009.  I am open to having another child with someone who doesn't have one, but I am equally OK to enjoy the children of someone else or not have any more altogether. 

I like taking the time to get to know somone via the internet before meeting in person.  I am good with long distance relationships but would like to have a relationship that actually results in my partner and I being together.  I am pretty open-minded about relationships and as long as my partner has affection and time to spend with me, I don't get jealous.  I want my partner to do what makes her happy and gives her the most joy.  I'm rather honest, sometimes to a fault.

I like playing guitar, reading, especially the classics, science, honing my critical thinking skills, camping, hiking, watching movies/tv shows, good conversation with open-minded people, being affectionate, receiving affection, making the world a better place and more!

I also enjoy cooking and make most of my meals from scratch.  I bake all of my own bread, rolls, chapatis and naan by hand.  I have been told that I am a very good cook.  I very much like Indian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Italian (I am 25%) and Mexican foods.  I make an amazing tofurkey from scratch starting with the tofu, but I make it in the shape of a turtle with a head, tail, arms and legs.  I stuff it with a stuffing I make from my homemade bread and call it a tofurtle.  I love cooking for family and friends, but would not enjoy doing it for a living.

cultural Humanism for Rien, a  Vegetarian Rien


, 41 year old Asian female, 5' 5 /165cm with Slim build.
Living in Amsterdam, NON-US, Netherlands
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.

cultural Humanism for Jack, a  Vegan Jack


, 76 year old Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
with children Not home, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Musical, active and upbeat.

Organizer/mixer social butterfly type -- the more the merrrier!

Love to walk, hike, dance and sing.


cultural Humanism for Anthony, a  Vegetarian vegan Anthony


, 49 year old Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Few extra lbs build.
Living in Livermore, California, United States
with children At home, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage.
Veggie/vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

Long time vegetarian, tried vegan for a few years, but it was too difficult with my kids and ex. Now that I'm single, I'm considering trying veganism again.

I'm an atheist/humanist, somewhere on that spectrum. I've tried organized religion and found that it was not for me.


I am a hetero man that never misses Pride. I don't believe that gender and sexual preference are black and white; I've been a supporter of the LGBTQIA+ family for my entire adult life. I'm a firm femminist and anti-racist.


Politically I am pretty left leaning, and enjoy discussing it if I think it will unite and not be devisive. 


I don't smoke, and quit drinking. I am not open to doing any addictive drugs (other than caffeine). I don't want or need drugs to enjoy life. I'm not opposed to other ideas, I'll try anything once. 


I love kids, and have joint custody of my 14 and 12 year old.

I really enjoy cooking, though I'm not particularly good at it.

I was previously an avid reader, mostly fantasy/sci-fi, but have been watching shows and movies in those genres lately. Reading is something I would like to get into again.  

I love hiking and plants, and am fascinated by permaculture. I've never had a great deal of luck keeping plants alive, but have always wanted to have a farm.

I love theater, especially on the smaller stage. I think community theater is vastly underrated in our society.


cultural Humanism for Ahimsa, a  Vegetarian vegan Ahimsa


, 47 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 6 /168cm with Full-figured build.
Living in Nottingham, NON-US, United-Kingdom
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

I'm interested in almost everything, but I especially enjoy nature (Scotland! Sea!), watching animals, internet, writing (still got penpals!), drawing, singing, music (mainly Ska, Folk, Indie, Singer/Songwriters, Reggae, Funk, 60/70s Rock.. also some classical, but I don't know that much yet.. but Ode to Joy is one of my favourite melodies, also like Vivaldi's 4 Seasons or Holst's The Planets..), creative cooking, crafts (worked as a ceramic restorer for a few years), gardening (grow quite a lot of my own food), swimming, volleyball, darts, billard, reading, languages, cultures, travelling (more backpacking/YHA than 5 star or all-inclusive), Arts, Medicine, Biology & Sociology among a few other thousand things I haven't got time for anymore... Torn between living in the country surrounded only by nature & animals, or trying life in the city, as I also love music/arts/theatre...

Also really into reducing waste & recycling, I buy second hand whenever possible. 

I can never make my mind up about which direction to go, regarding work it was a multi-way tie between translator, biologist, stained glass artist or biomedical scientist (my current job in the NHS) amongst a few more. Probably should have become a medical illustrator, but not much call for that these days I guess. Now I am waffling on... bad trait when I am writing!

I'm not especially sporty (trying to do more, but working for the NHS and having a big garden kind of keeps me pretty active anyway) and I don't really drink alcohol.. 

I'm super honest (really crap at even white lies!) and hate fighting over minor issues, life is too short! Also think I'm very patient and understanding of mental health issues etc. Nobody is perfect.. 


My late partner always said I am a "funny mix of very soft and very hard", which might well be right, I am super sensitive, but I do argue my point if it's something important to me (ethical..) or when defending people.

I can be quite shy when I don't know people yet, - so would prefer to get to know each other a bit before meeting up, but very outgoing among my friends. I've been vegetarian for 30+ years & mostly vegan by now.. 

Originally German, but been living in the UK for over 20 years and most people don't realise I'm not a native.. Quite would like to live in another country again, but my French isn't great and my Spanish even worse so far... but basically I am ready for a new start including relocating somewhere completely different...

cultural Humanism for russel, a  Vegetarian russel


, 64 year old Indian male, 5' 7 /170cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in port of spain, NON-US, other
with children Not home, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Vegetarian diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I live a peaceful fun  health conscious lifestyle in harmony with nature. I value clean neat honest  true to self people who practice care for themselves and other beings.

cultural Humanism for Padmini, a  Vegan Padmini


, 72 year old Indian female, 5' 4 /163cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in San Clemente, California, United States
with children Not home, seeking Activity partner.
Vegan diet, Never drinks alcohol   and never smokes.

I'm a part time psychiatrist. Vegan or vegetarian. Health conscious. enj helping others. Ready to fall I love. Lost my husband after 43 years if marriage.

feel lonely.

want to be there rest of my life who is lonely and single like me. 

cultural Humanism for el_tigre, a  Vegetarian vegan el_tigre


, 55 year old non-specified male, 5' 8 /173cm with Average build.
Living in North Hempstead, New York, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.

I am vegan for ethical, environmental and nutritional reasons. I am not militant however I do love animals. Nature is where I look for all my answers so I tend to do what is natural ! I do take stands: social justice and human rights, animal and human suffering, environmental sustainability, democratic principles, among others. Communing with Nature is of course my favorite activity: hiking, swimming, biking, meditating and even just napping in a bright spot in a meadow. I am passionate about music (I play/sing), culture, good food, and good conversation whether it is in a hut of a small village or in a café in Manhattan (prefer the village). I am an internationalist to some degree but like to strive for a balance between the local and the global or universal. I have traveled to India my home country, Brazil, Europe, Mexico, Canada and look forward to seeing more of the world.

cultural Humanism for Marcus, a  Macrobiotic Marcus


, 59 year old Caucasian / White male, 5' 11 /180cm with Muscular build.
Living in Sayreville, New Jersey, United States
with children None, seeking Serious relationship/marriage.
Macrobiotic diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

I am kindhearted, curious...imaginative and respectful..passionate about things I care about....(such as animal welfare...protecting the wilderness and fragile ecosystems...etc.)...(brought to tears by the senseless poaching of elephants and rhinos or other animals in the wild)....  Artisitic and creative by nature...Voiceover artist...Business owner...writer....(shopping agents  currently for a picture book that I'm quite proud of)!  :)  Also love to sing...and play guitar....and to make 'em LAUGH!   :)

Love to get out in nature...the mountains will do...or close to the ocean...particualry fond of Rivers...(they always seem to be calling me and resonating deep within)!  :)  I have a particular fondness for otters...but obviously have a kinship with all life!  (Couldn't be without a dog or a cat or two!  They have always been my greatest teachers!

 Still love going to see a movie on the big screen...with BIG sound that draws you in!  You won't find me at a jarring, over the top, shoot 'em up... action flick though...I'm more about things that are uplifting these days...I prefer movies that showcase the triumph of the human spirit... ie- Chariots of Fire...or Braveheart for instance!


As for my music...give me the music I was weaned on...Lynard Skynard...PPL...Yes...the Outlaws...John Prine....and that special band from Springfield MO... that prety much changed my life...The Ozark Mountain Daredevils!!  How could anyone argue that a song called "Chicken Train" wasn't cosimically inspired?!   :)

Looking to shake things up a bit in my life...and shake off the routine...etc...a little spirited adventure...and by this...I am by no means a thrill simply could mean watching the wildlife gather below...observed with a  view from the deck of a mountainside cabin with fireplace!  That kind of thing...looking to stretch my playful side a bit more with the right person!


I don't engage in gossip...and don't respect those that do!  I believe in taking responsibility for my own actions....and respect thsoe that do the same. Too much Blame-Game going on in the world!  People need to own it... in my humble opinion!   I value and respect own as well as others.  And I try to stay as far away from Facebook..twitter...and blue tooth technology as much as possible!  (For varied reasons..mainly I see us as becoming a fragmented society)!!   I don't fight it...I just try to tiptoe around it a bit!  :)  In summary...I guess I definately march to the beat of a diffrent drum...and wouldn't have it any other way!  "Road less travelled" to speak!



cultural Humanism for Joe, a  Vegetarian Joe


, 65 year old Caucasian / White male, 6' 0 /183cm with Slim build.
Living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Vegetarian diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

I've been a vegetarian most of my adult life, mainly because of the animal cruelty issue, also for ecological/land use issues and my own spiritual well-being. Plus I just have an aversion to meat. Among my interets are music (rock, folk, sometimes classical), movies, and good conversation. I also enjoy hiking and the outdoors, and like exploring, both urban and nature. Politically, I consider myself liberal/left of center. 

cultural Humanism for enigmatic, a  Vegetarian vegan enigmatic


, 47 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 3 /160cm with Petite build.
Living in Rockville, Maryland, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

Hi! I am a warm-hearted, artistic, passionate woman who loves both learning and laughing :) l try to live my life in a way that brings as little harm as possible to the planet and its inhabitants. I care deeply about social justice and protecting the environment. As for interests, I enjoy watching indie, foreign, and documentary films, listening to music and going to concerts, and spending time with friends. I'm interested in meeting a compassionate, open-minded man for friendship and possibly more. The best relationships begin as friendships, after all...

cultural Humanism for italianguy, a  Vegetarian vegan italianguy


, 71 year old non-specified male, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Cumming, Georgia, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Socially   and never smokes.

I'm a nice guy,or so I have been told, a Progressive Freethinker  teller of sometime funny stories [I hope] I am one one those people who talk alot and enjoy good company, I am from Brooklyn/ Long Island and  Italian- American so that says something about me, I love to cook all kinds of food right now korean seems to be what I have been making but still making nana's ragu and will go way out of my way to try something that I have not had, but then I will try anything new or different in life and looking to find someone to explore with is there anyone out there who wants to look with me , I enjoy going to the movies or just sitting at home watching Netflixs or reading or listening to a good book, I turly believe that we must change and that is what it is all about.

I am a vegetarian, hippy who believes in living simplicity a minamalist who trys to keep a zen like mind I just keep trying and one day I will get it... I'm into a lot of difference things from Meditation to a good arugment... I'm yin and yang incarnate I love to go to difference places and try anything never did or tryed before i READ A LOT OR SURE I SAY I LISTEN READ BY CD - BOOKS A WEEK I'm an eclectic, artistic, sensual, geeky (I went to DragonCon...the renaissance get the idea), quirky, sarcastic, tree-hugging, . I'm extremely liberal,progressive , goofy, dreamy, \, actively kinky ( D&D free. I do very much enjoy good beer though. . I'm extremely open & communicative, open-minded, passionate, love life, nonmaterialistic, easygoing, laid back,.

To live a simple life that is full of joy and happyness and love what else is there . if you know let me know, i would hate to know I was wrong but I dont think so  Someone with similar interests and values.  A friend and partner, someone who is caring, compassionate, considerate, loyal and energetic.


cultural Humanism for zannie, a  Vegetarian vegan zannie


, 45 year old Caucasian / White female, 5' 11 /180cm with Average build.
Living in Fairlee, Vermont, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol With dinner   and never smokes.
Hey! I'm a laid-back loner type who doesn't want to be a loner any more. I love all kinds of art (in school, I studied visual art), but I love anything that involves creativity and imagination. I also love animals, and pretty much all outdoor activities, especially horseback riding, hiking, skiing, sledding, swimming, biking, camping, etc. I currently work as an art teacher and a horse trainer/ riding instructor, so I spend a large part of my life working physically. I tend to stay pretty fit and strong. I am not a "girly girl," but if you are looking for someone who doesn't mind getting her hands dirty once and a while, I'm your gal. I'm interested in living in the country, driving an old truck on dirt roads, and having a simple life surrounded by loving people. Most of my friends live in NYC, so I travel there frequently, but I'm not really interested in living there full time. I am interested in being friends with genuine people who are funny and thoughtful and kind.
cultural Humanism for Karl, a  Vegetarian vegan Karl


, 64 year old Caucasian / White male, 5' 9 /175cm with Athletic/Fit build.
Living in Fort Rock, Oregon, United States
with children None, seeking Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner.
Veggie/vegan diet, drinks alcohol Infrequently   and never smokes.

Non-materialistic, fun and playful, dependable, unpretentious, compassionate, optimistic, open-minded, patient, alive! Interested in alternative energy and green building. An out-of-the-box thinker, a craftsman and 'Mr. fix-it' type, an optimist, lover of nature, explorer and adventurer. I love to garden and cook, hike, bike, ski, snowboard, snorkel, kayak, rock-climb, trail-run, motorcycle, travel, explore other cultures, attend great music festivals, and contra dance! Oh, but I'm always up for learning something new too... Friends first and see where it leads? I'd love to have new friends with which to share my adventures!As of February, 2020, I've 'semi-retired'. That means I sold the major part pf my business and have a ton more freedom to travel now - just returned from 52 days on the road with my three pups, through the SW US and to the tip of Baja! 

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