Telephone Area Code Fields


Telephone Area code -

Largest area code number can be 32767 (in USA all areacodes are 3 digits)

Placing Ad -

Your area code allows geographical searching by this criteria.
Area code results are independant city.

Example: 212
Your personal ad will appear for searches that include area code 212

Searching -

Enter from 0 up to 5 area codes, one in each box provided
Example: 310  818  323
Resulting personal ads have one of specified area codes OR the optionally specified city.

some UK (United Kingdm) city area codes:
Aberdeen 1224
Aberystwyth 1970
Alderney, Channel Islands 14818
Bangor 1248
Bangor N. Ireland 2891
Bath 1225
Belfast 28
Birmingham 121
Blackpool 1253
Bournemouth 1202
Bradford 1274
Brighton 1273
Bristol 117
Cambridge 1223
Canterbury 1227
Cardiff 29
Carlisle 1228
Carmarthenshire 1558
Coventry 24
Dover 1304
Dundee 1382
Durham 1385
Edinburgh 131
Exeter 1392
Fife 1334
Glasgow 141
Gloucester 1452
Greenock 1475
Guernsey Channel Islands 1481
Haddington 1620
Harrogate 1423
Hull 1482
Ipswich 1473
Isle of Wight 1983
Jersey Channel Islands 1534
Kenilworth 1926
Leeds 113
Leicester 116
Liverpool 151
London (inner) 20 7
London (outer) 20 8
Londonderry 28
Manchester 161
Newcastle 1632
Northampton 1604
Norwich 1603
Nottingham 115
Oban 1631
Oxford 1865
Penzance 1736
Plymouth 1752
Portsmouth 23
Prestwick 1292
Reading 1734
Sheffield 114
Southampton 23
Stockton on Tees 1642
Swansea 1792

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425 South 3rd Ave, Suite #1, Highland Park, NJ 08904