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Irvine, California
35 years old
Agnostic / not religious
Body type:
5' 6"  (168cm)
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Income: tell you later
Relocation: No
Relationship: Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage

My description:

As dorky as this may sound I'm a fairly typical Taurus. Sincere, considerate, straightforward, and loyal. While I don't keep that many friends, I deeply value those few close relationships that I do have. I believe very strongly in the concept of self reliance, and feel that while relationships can enrich someone's life, individuals should be able to stand on their own, and have the freedom to pursue their own goals, interests, and ambitions. I appreciate partners who recognize this need for autonomy, and I like to grant the people in my life that same freedom. 

I lead a pretty active lifestyle - running, cycling, and swimming are all deeply meditative and centering experiences for me. For a number of years I even raced competitively, completing 5 Ironman triathlons, and having been ranked in the top 5% globally in 2013 and 2017. 

As far as work I've sort of been all over the map, figuratively and geographically. For a little while I was in neurogenetic research. When I decided to move to California I took a position in corporate finance for about 5 years. Ultimately I saved enough to buy a house and take some time off to change tracks and pursue a law degree. I'm hoping to work as a district attorney and eventually be appointed as an Appellate or District Court Judge, or perhaps run for elected office. I strongly believe in the systems and principles on which our country was founded, and I want to do my part to defend them.  

In the past my friends have described me as witty, knowledgeable, engaging, and someone who always leaves a positive and lasting impression. I genuinely enjoy learning about others and am often amazed and humbled by the rich spectrum of complexity, experiences, and challenges unique to each individual. 




In a partner I'm looking for someone who is confident, emotionally secure, honest, and kind. I consider myself a bit of a pragmatist and I appreciate individuals who take a reasoned approach when viewing the world. As someone who reads extensively I also love connecting with others over intellectually stimulating conversations - History, anthropology, biology, ethics, and political philosophy are some of my favorite areas of discussion. 

Most of all though I'm looking for someone who is comfortable being themselves around me. I find that the characteristics and attributes that we look for in an "ideal" partner are constrained by our limited experiences. Things that we've liked or didn't liked about people we've met, and things we think will make us happy. As accurate as these presumptions may be I think it's always important to leave open the possibility to be amazed and surprised by people who may not necessarily fit the limited mold of our expectations. I appreciate people being themselves and not trying to fit a mold of expectation because it provides the opportunity to discover virtues and elements of beauty that we may have never known we wanted, but can nonetheless become deeply enriching parts of our lives. 

I hope we can provide each other that opportunity. Thanks for reading!





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