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los Angeles, California
51 years old
Caucasian / White
Agnostic / not religious
Body type:
5' 2"  (157cm)
Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
No (more) children
Income: undisclosed
Relocation: Yes
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

I am very laid-back in personality and love being silly/playful. Humor has gotten me through so much. Some people have god, I have humor. I am vegan and feel strongly about animal welfare. Ideally the person I'm with will care about it as well. 

I am originally from the East Coast- born in NJ and lived in CT, PA and especially VT. I would love to do more traveling outside of the country. 

I don't wear much make-up or go around in heels. I prefer being casual. 

Exercise 4-5x per week, mostly at the gym, though I do a lot of walking as well. Exercise is great for staying fit physically as well as mentally. For relaxation I do breath work and meditation. 

Am in love with coffee and Ethiopian food. Rain is great, and we don't get enough of it here in CA. Am generally a pretty quiet person who typically stays in rather than goes out. As I've gotten older I've become more of a homebody. I am not interested in hanging out in bars. 

I do accounting for a vegan animal welfare non-profit organization. I live in CA but definitely open to relocating. 



I tend to get along the best with people who have a good sense of humor and are more on the intellectual side. I enjoy being playful and silly and a bit sarcastic (but in a good way). I think, as many do, that communication (both verbal and physical) is the key to a successful relationship. It affects every other part of the relationship. If you don't have it, you don't have much. Speaking honestly without fear is admirable. My goal is to go forward being true to who I am. Ideally with someone like-minded and emotioanlly mature. Someone who wants to have a relationship with a strong base of respect and friendship. A parter and best friend. 

vegan organic dark chocolate
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