(  last login Jul 14, 2024     ad #92168 )

Eagle Point, Oregon
48 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 11"  (180cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not home
Want Kids:
Not sure
Income: $80,000 to $100,000
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

I graduated with honors and a BS in chemistry from the University of Hawaii in 2019.  Born and raised on a farm in Iowa but attended a military high school in Missouri.  The Medford, Oregon area has been home since June 2019.

My son is 18 and lives in Arizona with his mama.  We have remained close friends despite divorcing in 2009.  I am open to having another child with someone who doesn't have one, but I am equally OK to enjoy the children of someone else or not have any more altogether. 

I like taking the time to get to know somone via the internet before meeting in person.  I am good with long distance relationships but would like to have a relationship that actually results in my partner and I being together.  I am pretty open-minded about relationships and as long as my partner has affection and time to spend with me, I don't get jealous.  I want my partner to do what makes her happy and gives her the most joy.  I'm rather honest, sometimes to a fault.

I like playing guitar, reading, especially the classics, science, honing my critical thinking skills, camping, hiking, watching movies/tv shows, good conversation with open-minded people, being affectionate, receiving affection, making the world a better place and more!

I also enjoy cooking and make most of my meals from scratch.  I bake all of my own bread, rolls, chapatis and naan by hand.  I have been told that I am a very good cook.  I very much like Indian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Italian (I am 25%) and Mexican foods.  I make an amazing tofurkey from scratch starting with the tofu, but I make it in the shape of a turtle with a head, tail, arms and legs.  I stuff it with a stuffing I make from my homemade bread and call it a tofurtle.  I love cooking for family and friends, but would not enjoy doing it for a living.


I am mostly looking for my best friend to share life with.  She is mature enough to be responsible and immature enough to be goofy, make me laugh and have fun. They are very passionate in their beliefs and pursuits, yet open-minded enough to listen to new information. They are very intelligent, considerate, patient, confident, kind, affectionate, industrious, motivated strong in their sense of self, independent, musical, capable in the kitchen, not afraid to get their hands dirty working outside, and much more!  I also find someone who is athletically fit or working towards that goal attractive.  A pro-actively healthy lifestyle  and appearance is more attractive to me than a less healthy and apathetic one.

Most importantly, my partner is capable of inspiring me to be the best man that I can possibly be so that our lives are mutually improved through our friendship. I am already highly motivated, but their love and affection is like rocket fuel to my inspiration.  If you are musical, that would be icing on the the cake.

Finally, if you think we might be a good match, I am interested in getting to know YOU, so please, don't be shy! I look forward to hearing from you! I like getting to know people before meeting  them. I am in no rush and like to take things slow as things tend to pick up speed rather fast after a physical meeting.

I am very interested in science and hope to find someone who also shares this passion, or at least has respect for it and is scientifically literate. I find intellectual prowess very attractive, especially when it is coupled with the ability to think critically.

Please don't feel that you have to meet all of the criteria. Someone's ideal is a rather tall order and rarely achievable. Few of us are completely true to our own ideals, but that we have them and are striving to achieve them is what is important.

Oh, and I suppose the most important thing I am looking for in a partner is that she has an insatiable desire for me as I have for her and pleasing me makes her as happy as it makes me when I go out of my way to please her. While this may be a bit antiquated, love is finding happiness in serving the needs of others and finding fulfillment within this service. I believe love means putting the needs of others before your own in loving service and finding happiness within that devotion as well as a sense of purpose.  Love is most beautiful when it is mutually reciprocated and I think that is where the faith and trust comes in.  We have faith and trust our partner to reciprocate our devotion and service to their needs and happiness.  This of course takes time to develop.

I would love to hear from you, so feel free to drop me a line!  Aloha for now.




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