Upbeat Birdie
( joined Jul 2012       ad #82351 )

Cedar Rapids, Iowa
54 years old
Caucasian / White
Almost veg
Body type:
5' 2"  (157cm)
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not disclosed
Want Kids:
Some college
Income: tell you later
Relocation: Planning to
Relationship: Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

 I am told I look and act young for my age. I have friends of all ages from 20 to 70 yrs old. I have many dualities which makes it hard for people to understand me. I am a typical Gemini in the fact that I am witty, charming, chatty and intelligent. Other than the description, I am not really into horoscopes. I need time to myself sometimes though. I am a science nerd and I love all forms of art and expression as long as they do no harm. I enjoy some technology, but also love nature and the outdoors.

I am passionate about keeping constitutional rights, pit bull rights, proper treatment of animals, child abuse, health and nutrition. I research health and nutrition for fun. I am going back to school to become a Registered Dietician. My dream is to one day open a spa/clinic that serves plant based food and has a juice bar. I am currently trying to clearance and close an online jewelry business I started with my daughter. We are both ready to move in new directions.

I am a single mom with 1 of my 3 left at home who is 19. I have 2 dogs, 1 cat. I walk the dogs and cat every morning without fail. The cat used to walk off leash and come when I would call her. All the old ladies and kids in the neighborhood love us. She no longer walks with us because irresponsible neighbors allowed their 3 yr old child outside alone with their dog who ran over and attacked her. I miss her on our walks in the morning.

I am serious about ethical issues and will never back down about something that I feel violates ethics. In this respect I am very stubborn, but usually diplomatic. I try to find common grounds before getting into a heated discussion. I prefer to live drama-free. I am a total goof when it comes to other things. I sometimes say whatever silly thing pops in my head if I am at home or in a relaxed environment. I am a lady in public (usually), my mama taught me well.

I love food that has taste, texture and looks nice. I ate raw vegan for 3 yrs and mostly raw for another Year. It is just so hard to do in Iowa. I drink occasionally and it is usually organic, sulfite-free wine.

Physically, I have some curves and a fairly small waist. Some would say I have a J-Lo profile. I am somewhat muscular so I have a healthy farm girl look. (I grew up on a farm in the midwest.) People tell me I look like a 1990s Jennifer Grey when I smile and I tell them she was the one who had plastic surgery, so she looks like me. I am an original, no reconstruction surgeries. 

I don't put any chemicals on my body. All body products, soaps and household cleaners are edible ingredients. I sometimes watch netflix movies/ youtube videos, but do not watch TV much at all. (I turned off the cable years ago). Want to know more, ask me.


I want someone I can have fun with, who has interests in common with me. Casual conversation, dinner, shared activities/ passions. He must be willing to agree to disagree on some subjects where we cannot find a happy medium. He should be intelligent enough to keep up with me in a conversation, but does not have to share all the same interests. We can teach each other new things. I enjoy the learning process most of the time. 

He would not ask me for money and would be willing to choose activities that we can both afford. Money Mouth

 Still waiting for the last guy I dated to pay me back and not letting it happen again.


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