(  last login Jul 18, 2022     ad #7170 )

WALES(UK), United-Kingdom
66 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
6' 0"  (183cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not home
Want Kids:
No (more) children
Income: $40,000 to $60,000
Relocation: Unlikely
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

Friends describe me as deep, nurturing and caring, yet playful, witty and humorous, intelligent, romantic, sensitive, imaginative and creative, unconventional, practical, resourceful, healthy, perceptive and tactile.
I forgot to ask my friends for any 'less desirable' qualities! Someone once bravely wrote in their profile 'prone to depression', but if we were all completely open and honest before even meeting, there would probably be very few contacts!

Although I am able to enjoy my own company, and also need “alone-time”, I yearn for a life partner where both of us intentionally enhance the other’s development, and health and happiness. This isn’t going to happen entirely spontaneously, I feel, without some clear intentions and agreements on how to support each other.
I believe that making “agreements”, pleasant ones or more difficult, keeping them, and revising them weekly, is hugely important in close relationships. I once made an agreement not to be late, and for each minute late I would give my partner 30 minutes of massage. She got some extra massage and I soon started arriving early.

I’ love the peace and tranquility of where I live. I am just starting to grow my own vegetables and transform the garden, which is 2 acres, half of it woodland, complete with stream. waterfalls and 4 pools.

I've done courses in yoga, meditation (mostly Buddhist) shiatsu, reflexology, Touch for Health and massage and have a library on many other forms of healing including radionics and other forms of “energy medicine”.

I am passionate about organic food, and have a reasonably high raw food diet. However, I am not “fanatical” and enjoy Indian meals, cooked foods and occasional fish.

I easily seeing the humorous side of human life, including these types of self-descriptions where no-one seems to have any less desirable qualities!
I have a well-developed sense of fun and the absurd, which most people find between amusing to very funny.

I can be sociable, but prefer deeper conversations with one or two people rather than a group.

I’m a lover of the natural world and animals, and so very much enjoy walking in many types scenery.
Adding in shared reading of an inspiring book, or a head massage in a beautiful spot, would make it perfect.

I'm not the stereotypical "Men are from Mars" man although I do like “alone-time” and I prefer using my car compass and map sometimes rather than asking directions!
For example, I’m fairly emotionally articulate, don’t need to stifle tears of sadness, and a good listener without needing to “solve your problem” or give advice. I’m fairly self-aware, after quite a lot of personal development work.

I look and feel healthy and fairly fit, enjoying a couple of hours of tennis, table tennis or trampolining 2 or 3 times a week.


Do you believe your relationship will be immune from creeping familiarity and "taking for granted"? ...or do you agree that qualities like deep appreciation, gratitude and cherishing each other will, sooner or later, need to be cultivated and nurtured? Just like a beautiful garden, the best qualities can't just be taken for granted, but need loving care and attention to maintain and enhance.

So if you're interested in using, together, some of the wonderful books on enhancing and re-creating relationships, and ongoing expression of gratitude and appreciation, read on...

Some of the qualities I would love to find in my life partner would be a strong desire to create good health. For example by using organic food, mainly vegetarian or vegan diet, and mostly use alternative medicine (instead of conventional).
You would have an “undemanding”, grateful and appreciative nature (as I am working to cultivate), and be as interested in what you can “give” as in what you can “receive”.
You will be affectionate and tactile.
You will risk “not hiding things", and have the humility to admit to what is uncomfortable to face up to (as I am practicing) and willingness to work on improving the relationship and use some form of "agreements".

You will probably be at least as happy to find ways to enjoy being together at, or near home, as by driving to go out somewhere.

What I don’t want is someone who is constantly “too busy” to be peaceful sometimes and reflect on life.



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