(  last login Feb 14, 2025     ad #31127 )

Haines, Alaska
78 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 1"  (155cm)
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not home
Want Kids:
Probably not
Income: live off the land
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

9 Fire Libra Dog woman.  Though I’m a fine person with lots of good qualities, a viable man/woman relationship has eluded me. These times seem to emphasize differences, separation, etc., maybe my life reflects the times, maybe it’s my own karma. I do study and seek understanding.


I’m very low income, able to take care of myself and well more than half way with paying off this foreclosure house in beautiful Haines, Alaska. Though my own food practice is more one of macro-snacking, rather than a truer macrobiotic diet, and though I don't have the interest in sex that I had previously, I still believe that sharing food and sex is absolutely essential for a couple. I would like to deeply explore those 2 areas with a man. I do still cook of course and it would be wonderful to share that with another. 


With a man, I want to explore both the simple pleasures and the deep healing available through food and sex, so-o-o much is available right there. I cannot claim to have zero baggage, I can say that I’m totally willing to look deeper. I would love to be able to really talk to someone. I cannot promise the most exciting life to one who is strongly, socially focused on changing the world, but to one who wants to effect changes from the inside and then take those changes outside, I believe I have something to offer.


I'm serious about playing with astrology to help determine compatibility: Chinese for depth compatibility, Western for shared interests, livability, etc., and 9 Star Ki for general dynamics. I would also look at compatibility from the Vedic perspective, plus I know about another system of energetic profiles. I don't mean to sound totally nuts but in my younger days I had so many short, difficult relationships including my marriage and at 77 this is my last chance for something with depth and longevity with a man. To be clear, I look for green lights from systems outside myself like astrology to guide me in taking the first few steps in a relationship, I do not use these systems to determine daily life.


I view the man/woman relationship as some sort of combined resting place and grinding stone--a situation with enough comfortability to balance and offset the kind of intense honing that's natural when 2 people connect their lives attempting to become truly themselves, to become truly joined to each other, to become one with the universe. A little more laughter and fun would be a good thing too.  My idealistic and romantic dream is still for true love and affection and a kind of joined-at-the-hip life where a man and myself live in tandem, work and play mostly together. That said, kindness and companionship just might be enough.  I’d like a life that's as simple, natural, self-sufficient, and sustainable as is possible. My soulmate may still be out there.





FYI: I do respond to all personal notes, I don't respond to Winks.

I use the Chinese Astrology approach as a first filter for myself with a guy. I’ve learned that a Dog person like myself does well with a Rat (1936-'37, 1948-'49), a Tiger (1938-'39, 1950-'51), a Rabbit (1939-'40, 1951-'52), a Monkey (1944-'45, 1956-'57), and a Boar/Pig (1947-'48). A Dog does so-so with Ox, Snake, Horse, another Dog and badly with a Dragon, Sheep/Goat/Ram, Rooster. If you're one of the favorable signs, if my tone of voice, photo, etc. add up to anything for you, please write. 


My preference is a macrobiotic man to whom the diet & philosophy/cosmology make sense as a practical way of life & as a spiritual practice. Next best is any guy with spirit for the whole process: life/death/etc. Very important: a locale with a small population, a birthday within above dates. A man like myself: one who longs to deeply explore food/sex/natural living in synch with another--intelligent, compassionate, responsive, who thinks/talks, who chops wood & carries water (literally & figuratively), who aims to develop/maintain awareness that we come from infinity, that we will return to infinity, while enjoying this planet. How about a guy with a blue collar on his saffron robe? : 0 )  


I've recently received a diagnosis of osteoporosis, also scoliosis. I don't do western drugs, etc. I believe in food, supplements and herbs, stretching/exercise, bodywork, etc. It sure would be great to have a partner in this project. Anyone out there wanting to be/to have an active partner in health (all levels) from a natural, Not western, Not big pharma point of view for himself and myself who could stay in Haines, AK for awhile, please connect. This aging thing is another adventure, sometimes it’s a bummer, helping/being helped would be great!


Photo is from years ago in Fairbanks.  Will send a newer photo if/when needed.






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