( joined Sep 2002    last login Jul 4, 2022     ad #17213 )

Seattle, Washington
55 years old
Caucasian / White
Agnostic / not religious
Body type:
5' 11"  (180cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Yours are fine
Income: $40,000 to $60,000
Relocation: No
Relationship: Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

As far as I know--and I'll be as happy as anyone to be proven wrong--we get one ride on this beautiful blue orb, a few dozen trips around the sun if we're lucky. I intend to make the most of this opportunity.

I've spent the last 20 years working in the solar energy and sustainable living field:  consulting, teaching, and doing graphic design. Taking a rather significant sabbatical from that, I opened a wine & whiskey bar in Fremont a few years ago. A different kind of solar energy, as it were. I'm just getting back into the solar energy and design work, now, transitioning to someone else managing the wine bar.  It's nice to have a life, again.

But about that opportunity to make the most out of this lifeitme: I'm quite intrepid on a good day, not into anything life threatening, but willing to try almost anything else. I'm active--hiking, biking, snowshoeing & walking around the city--and I like to create things, build things, make things, take things apart, maybe put them back in one piece, on a good day. I write a little, play a bit of music, dance a little, and have been vegetable gardening and making pottery and other artforms for many years. I love to cook, I have two gorgeous tabby cats who have been a part of my life for 15 years, and I love the idea of country living in the city, however that manifests.

I would love to meet a kind spirit, someone curious, compassionate, understanding, open minded, and with a fantastic smile. Someone who sees beauty everywhere, isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, and thinks that when things go wrong, it's just a new kind of adventure.

Please write if you think that it would be fun to meet for a walk around town, a glass of wine, a bike ride, a bite to eat, or any other kind of urban adventure. I love meeting new people, and maybe one of those people is you!


I would love to meet a kind spirit, someone curious, compassionate, understanding, open minded, and with a fantastic smile.  Someone who sees beauty everywhere, isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, and thinks that when things go wrong, it's just a new kind of adventure.

Do write if you think that it would be fun to meet for a walk around town, art walk, a glass of wine, a bike ride, or any other kind of urban adventure.  I love meeting new people, and maybe one of those people is you!




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