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Washington, DC
62 years old
Body type:
5' 11"  (180cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Not sure
Income: undisclosed
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

I am looking to start a friendship before anything else.

Some adjectives that describes me best: kind, intelligent, respectful, conscious, compassionate, thoughtful, faithful, and trustworthy. I am attracted to the physical beauty of a woman but. for me. physical attraction is a small part of my overall attraction. I am much more attracted to a woman's inner beauty.

I would be classified as a vegan or a person who doesn’t consume animal products. I became a vegetarian when I was 17. Vegan at 26 and vegan / raw vegan around age 40. I am now 60. It’s been over 40 years of me living a plant based lifestyle. In discussing these things with others, I sometimes mention that there are many reasons why people become vegetarian or plant-based. I notice that the main reason is because of personal health. There are other reasons why people become vegetarian, such as, compassion for animals, concern about the environmental impact of animal agriculture, spiritual reasons (such as one’s soul karma), etc. I can say that, although my reason for becoming vegetarian was due to health, it quickly evolved to ALL of the above.

I’ve had an interesting life. I was born in Washington, DC and lived with my mother. After elementary school, I moved to Tucson, AZ and lived with my father. Before making that transition, as a child, I saw DC burn after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 68. Children learn a lot of things from their parents. Some learn to hate and stereotype others based on external appearances. As a child, I wasn’t taught such things. I lived in a bubble. When I was a child, Washington, DC was known as the chocolate city. So, pretty much everyone I saw and had experience with was “black”. When I moved to Tucson, the demographics were completely different. As a child, I had no real concept of racism. So, when I got there at an early age, I was innocent of such things. When speaking of my experience there, I tell people that I didn’t have any overt experience of racism. I lived out there with my father and family for about five years. Maybe I was fortunate to never be called the “n” word. When I first got there, I would roam the streets alone. If I saw other boys playing football or something, I would just join in. I had several friends while there, so-called “black” and so-called “white”. I could say more of my time in Tucson.

On my profile, I list my ethnicity as other instead of Black. Why is that? It's not that I am ashamed of or deny my skin melanin, in fact, I love it. I just don't agree with the standard of classifying the ethnicity of people as colors. People are not colors. I never met or seen a "white" person before. Pale skin, but not white. During my life, I lived among many people of different ethnic backgrounds. Although, I was born into a so-called “black” family, I don’t necessarily subscribe to such labels like “black”, “white”, etc. There was always hostility between different groups of people based on ethnicity, skin color, etc., historically speaking the racial naming based on color happened right after Bacon’s Rebellion for political, divide and concur purposes. The color classifications are a social construct and a caste system. Also, all so-called "black" people didn't arrive in America on slave ships. Many were in the Americas before Columbus. This is a documented hidden historical fact.

Despite my being somewhat personally transcendental to external bodily designations, I know the world is not. When people look at me, they will see a “black” man and have whatever personal perceived thoughts or feelings about what they believe that to be. I’m not ignorant of how people think and what they do based on prejudices. The news, past and present, is full of many negative and unfortunate accounts. I’m well versed in true history.

Remember I said that I had and interesting life? You haven’t heard the half of it. When I was 22, I moved into a yoga ashram and lived in various yoga ashrams for about 11 years straight. I lived a celibate life and traveled a lot. I lived by a number of spiritual principles, no meat eating being one. To this day I still follow certain principles that I did while living in ashrams.


So, why am I on a dating site? Why is my age range from 18 to 90? Who and what am I’m looking for? (Smile) It’s not that I am seeking to get in a serious relationship with a woman young enough to be my daughter nor do I have an old woman fetish. However, I don't think there's a age limit on friendship.

I'm not looking for a sexual relationship. Right now, I am celibate. I’ve been so for a while. I just think it would be nice to find a female friend connection to start. If I meet a woman that I develop a deeper connection with, it would be nice to have a serious one on one relationship. Obviously, the conditions have to be right.




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