( joined May 2002    last login Oct 16, 2022     ad #14424 )

London, United-Kingdom
54 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 10"  (178cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Not sure
Income: $100,000 to $150,000
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

• Novelist, atheist, feminist¹, veganist.

• Londoner, dual national, animal-rights activist, INTP → INTJ.

• Certified health nut, exercise junkie, long-distance trekker, adventure hound.

• Autodidact, obsessive reader, student of the perfectibility of humankind, militant grammarian – not of MA².

Enjoy thinking of myself as honourable, well-mannered, literary, intellectual (in the proper sense of ‘being interested in ideas’). I believe in Honour – and other careworn Romantic values – and that art and love are the two best palliatives for all your existential aches and pains. (I basically organise my life to maximise the production of art and the experience of love.)

For me, ENM³ has always been about relationships, connections, and *people*. (Not that other thing. Though the other thing can be nice.) Lately I've been wondering how brilliant or workable an idea it actually is after all...

And VEGANISM4 isn't about felicity of dining choices, it's about basic shared moral values – specifically the belief that torture and killing of the innocent and defenseless is wrong, which you'd think would be pretty uncontroversial...

Like all other hominids, I really need a TRIBE around me. [Update: Found it. (Namely, the vegan and animal-rights community, and all its glorious overlapping sub-tribes, in London.)]

1) This ought to go without saying – anybody with both half a brain and half a heart ought to be a feminist. But here we are.

2) If you get that, MESSAGE ME RIGHT NOW.

3) Exact flavour of non-monogamy negotiable - as I suspect it always has to be. Lately, honestly, I'm leaning toward something like theoretical non-monogamy or being monogamish. And, if I did meet the right person, good ole (intentional) monogamy would really be no sacrifice at all.

4) Veganism not negotiable.

*Orange colored border signifies payment was made to include contact info


Drop-dead brilliant, vegan, and starkly (but perhaps strangely) beautiful in very geeky glasses, all of which would definitely get my attention. Additional bonus points for kindness, non-monogamousness, and outdoorsy-/active-/adventurous-ness. Though, I never quite know how attracted I am to a woman until I see what she's reading.




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