(  last login Aug 21, 2024     ad #1309 )

Reed City, Michigan
65 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
6' 4"  (193cm)
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Yours are fine
Income: tell you later
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:


In short, I'm a knight searching for my Queen. The One that I am happy to serve, worship, and obey for the rest of my days. Flowers and poems are a nice touch but at the end of the day, the only things I really have to give the love of my life are my masculine presence, my undivided attention and loyalty, my protection, my emotional connection, my respect, and all of my love. With only these simple gifts, I will fill your cup to overflowing.


On the practical side, I have achieved financial independence and am now looking to enjoy the finer things in life. Personality outranks age and geography so I'm open to relocating to be with the love of my life. I haven't met her yet but if you're veggie or vegan, high-functioning, and have a clue about life, I will respond to your note of interest. Our future together will include lots of soul-baring intimacy, laughter, gardening, travel, art, and possibly rescue dogs or foster children. 


I'm certified as a yoga instructor, F.A.S.T. Defense instructor,  and NLP Master Practitioner. I stay fit with lots of activities from swimming and kayaking to kettlebell and chopping wood so don't let my age scare you off... and on a related note: Ain't no problem babe. Thanks to good genes and clean living, my plumbing is in good order and my flag raises every morning. 


Now that I've piqued your interest, see if you meet my requirements below. 







My required Queen qualities include intelligence, integrity, personal development, and open mindedness. I don't just love my lover, I serve, worship, and obey Her so if you are familiar with FLR (Female Led Relationships), you get bonus points. My deal breakers are smoking, Trump (!), and an entitlement mentality. 


Here's you: You take relationship seriously but are also light hearted and like to laugh. You are not perfect but you own your baggage. When you find the right man, you are sexually adventurous and like to try new things. You expect honesty and commitment but not perfection. You have healthy habits, even if you make mistakes now and then. You do not dabble or settle in life and you are willing to work hard for your dreams. Everything else is negotiable.


Hit me back if this resonates with your soul. Tell me about your dreams and how your ideal man fits into them. 





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