(  last login May 10, 2024     ad #119565 )

Winchester, Virginia
46 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 5"  (165cm)
Leo (July 23 - Aug 23)
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Probably not
PhD/Post Doc
Income: $40,000 to $60,000
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

I'm newly single after a few years. I moved out to the sticks during Covid (I'm one of those people who fled the city because it was getting too crazy) and I love country life, but it is hard to find likeminded people. 

I've been vegan nearly 20 years and was vegetarian many years prior to that. Ethical veganism is a must for dating. 

I don't fit a lot of typical boxes, and I am an always-evolving work-in-progress. I used to be so far left I was basically a communist; my immense distrust of state power these days classifies me more as pacifist-libertarian. I've been down the woo-woo road and used to be that girl who needed your natal chart before a first date; I overcompensated with a detour into "we're all machines" materialism for a while, and now am quite spiritual but not at all attached to any organized religion. I was raised in a wildly dysfunctional home that I used to blame for all my problems, then I was convinced for a while it's all nature, no nurture...and now I'm less concerned about who or what to blame and more interested in identifying and working through my own BS.

I'm over a decade sober, and as part of my recovery I practice (or try to, however awkwardly and uncomfortably and imperfectly) radical honesty. 



I'm seeking a whip-smart, spiritually aware, compassionate and emotionally intelligent man. Great humor is also a must. I desire a relationship where growth as individuals and toward one another is the primary goal, and there exists a dedicated daily commitment to that goal that involves (among other things): self-reflection and analysis, ongoing efforts to achieve greater clarity around conflicts and triggers as they arise or have the potential to arise, and a great deal of affection, respect, and mutual encouragement along the way. There is no real trust without a lot of truth. 

vegan organic dark chocolate
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