Susan Alderman
(  last login Sep 17, 2024     ad #113715 )

Tucson, Arizona
61 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 3"  (160cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
No (more) children
Income: $40,000 to $60,000
Relocation: Yes
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

I am outgoing, friendly and enjoy doing social things when with a partner. I find when I am single I tend to stay home more, which I also enjoy very much. Movies, hiking, good conversation and being outdoors are a few things I enjoy doing.  Most often I am found at home because my property has become a mini-sanctuary for several species of birds. Plus I share my home with rescued cats and am active in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return).

Spending my time outside with my sanctuary residents is fantastic. Plus it is so beautiful here and the weather is great.
My serious side also involves maintaining my health.  I worked as a pharmacist, but I am more of an anti-pharmacist! Prevention and acquiring good habits are the keys to a vital life. I worked in hospitals and know that western medicine can play an important role as well.

I was raised in Brooklyn, NY, lived in NJ and now live in the southwest since 2004. Love the climate here, preferring sunny dry days to the cloudiness and humidity of the northeast.


It would be great to agree on some core values. But I also think differences are important as well because then we'll complement each other's weaknesses and strengths and can learn from/teach one another through that.
   I'd like to find a man who understands rescuing and enjoys spending time with animals but also is comfortable/willing to go out to a movie or social event.  You need not be a very social person, I can take it or leave it myself, depending on the company!  My life in southern NM is rather quiet and simple.  Someone who is a freethinker, responsible for himself and the environment and respects others.  Possessing a sense of humor or at least the appreciation of mine would be a plus!  :-o        I'd like to have someone with whom I can watch and discuss movies and documentaries.

  Searching for a secure, compassionate, responsible, health-conscious partner who is not afraid to be silly at times. Someone who understands and shares some of my passions and brings his own to the table.  The kind of relationship I want is one of openness and closeness. I prefer honesty, even when it is not complimentary.


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