(last login date is private     ad #109883 )

Seattle, Washington
60 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 5"  (165cm)
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 20)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
No (more) children
Income: tell you later
Relocation: No
Relationship: Activity partner

My description:

Hi!  I joined this site to meet like minded people who care about animals and the environment! I am vegetarian right now, working on vegan. I will eat eggs from my neighbors happy chickens, but that's about it. I went veg because I love and respect animals and do not believe that they were put on this earth to live horrible lives so that I can stuff my face with hamburgers and hotdogs.  I have been an animal activist for a number of years and do horse massage which I love! I am a pretty strong woman but am Italian, so love to take care of people, ha ha! I love the outdoors but don't hike or ski, etc. I'm more of a road trip lover looking for beauty and wildlife.  I have a sarcastic sense of humor which PNW people may not get. I hope you have a good sense of humor, it's a must!  I'm more on the introverted side so love spending time with a few close friends talking about anything and everything. I work pretty hard during the day in corporate America, so like to relax with friends or a good movie with my two dogs. Most of my friends are married with kids as I tend to hang out with younger people than me. I will never get old in my head, ha ha! I love good wine and make a mean vegan chili. -) 


I am looking for someone who is honest and real. Someone who isn't afraid to call me on any B.S.  I am looking for someone who knows who they are and isn't afraid to be that. To stand up for what is right and have integrity. Also, good sense of humor, can make fun of yourself and, very importantly - a good communicator. Talk about things that are wrong and them fix them, No emotional wimps please! Someone who doesn't mind an opinionated woman who will always seek your opinion also! It's a two way street. This goes for friends AND potential partners:-)

vegan organic dark chocolate
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