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Fort Collins, Colorado
56 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 6"  (168cm)
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not home
Want Kids:
No (more) children
Income: tell you later
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

Hi there,

A bit about me:

Mindfulness practices including meditation, self compassion, yoga, running and biking are some of the ways I enjoy spending my time. I am a licensed professional counselor and own a private practice. I am pretty sure I came into this world to help others and show up as completely as I can.  Life is short, so I do my best to be as present as possible in whatever I may be doing. I love deep conversation and being witness to what is authentic, vulnerable and true. There is something magical and beautiful in moments of sincere communication, as it allows for soulful connection.


I enjoy quiet moments for reflection and am content to read books, which allow me insight into myself and encourages me to look honestly at who I am. I am VERY self aware and have a deep understanding of others...maybe too much at times!!

I LOVE animals and do not believe it is right to kill, harm, abuse, neglect or use them in any way. I wish for all animals to be free and peaceful. This is why I do not eat animals or any animal products. I also do not believe in killing ANY living being, including insects, spiders, worms ( I save them if I see them in a puddle on a rainy day) etc. If I find them inside, I gently return them outside. :-)

-I have 2 cats: Bodhi and Precious Sparkle
-I teach yoga
-I love candles, incense and burning sage...often
-I am passionate about the ocean/beach
-I do not have cable and I guess I am a bit anti TV. I do, however, watch documentaries once in a while on Netflix.
-My tattoo say's Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (my son and I have matching, his idea!)
-My two biggest indulgences (is that a word?) are coffee and popcorn!
- I do not like to participate in activities which cause me to numb, drown out, escape or avoid, therefore, do not enjoy drinking or using drugs..ok except caffeine.
-I love dogs and would like to get one soon. My dog Bear died a few years ago and I miss that boy!
-I LOVE dancing in my kitchen to Zedd!
-I LOVE my son more than anyone and being his mother is my greatest joy.
-Funky shoes make me happy (NO HIGH HEELS EVER!)


There is so much more for all of us to share, as we are so beautifully unique and interesting.



I am looking to expand my community, connect with others and possibly find someone to spend my life with. I am absolutely sure I would like to be friends with someone first, to develop a sense of understanding, trust and explore common values, as well as unique differences.


At some point, I would like a soul connection that would allow each of us to walk as individuals, on a path, together. I want to bring my full self to a relationship and connect to deepen our understanding of ourselves and each other while encouraging growth. I want to expand in my awareness, spirituality and wisdom, supporting others along the way. I would love to spend time with someone who has a unique perspective on our world and does not get hypnotized by what media and mainstream society feeds us. Spending time with someone who does not have to be entertained, can chill on the couch and read next to me, would be lovely! My profile is a work in progress, as am I, so as I gain clarity, will be editing regularly!!!! I am looking for animal loving vegans who care deeply and passionately about the welfare of all animals and all creepy crawlies. :-) (It's a challenge to capture who I am in this profile....I communicate better in person ).




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