(  last login Jun 22, 2024     ad #108408 )

Los Angeles, California
70 years old
Caucasian / White
Almost veg
Body type:
5' 8"  (173cm)
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not home
Want Kids:
No (more) children
PhD/Post Doc
Income: $100,000 to $150,000
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

I'm seeking a woman (not already married or in a relationship) who wants a happy and well-educated guy, one who wonders if there's a woman who is similar, empathic like me, who wants a loving relationship.

Sure, everyone does!  --not really.  I'm happy with myself and by myself, but I have so much more joy and find meaning with a close connection. What kind of a relationship? -- great friends, partners, couldn't imagine anyone else!

I'm from Ohio; Friends are in Calif, Illinois, Ohio, & NY. I have 3 sons & 2 granddaughters with whom I am close.

My family of origin cared deeply for each other and their siblings. There was a Jewish youth group, multiple degrees, Israel, marriage and retained rapport with the mother of my children.

There was/is a management career and the dotcom world, and now social science and psych. I view these as substitutes for relationship in many respects.

What’s important to me are friends and family... Connection with others and love... and perhaps dancing (Tango, swing, waltz, folkdance, too --and I love to watch ballet, contemporary, even hip-hop).

I’ve enjoyed a lot of places, people and experiences.

What’s left?  Encountering someone meaningful and who grows quite special.  The communication, the feeling between two people and wanting to be with the other is what counts...  If I appeal, contact me.




She has heart; she has soul; she smiles and enjoys life. She's reasonably together, loving, bright, energetic, resonably fit, and appeals to me. She eats healthfully and takes care of herself!

She likes to move... and hopefully likes dance. Age, probably 60 to a little over 70. Some Hebrew? Jewish? Hmmm, probably asking for the moon, but it's a thought. And if she or someone like her never materializes, well..., that's too bad, but life is still good! And if someone a little different materializes, well, that's good, too! After all, what do I really know?


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