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stuart, Florida
61 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 5"  (165cm)
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Yours are fine
Income: tell you later
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

low-maintenance, low-profile, seeker of peace, tranquility, + equanimity; live in curiosity, wonderment, appreciation, gratitude; detail-oriented, obsessively clean, shoe-free home, organized, clutter-free, minimalist; kind, patient, compassionate, extremely thoughtful, polite, well-mannered, introverted-extrovert, very friendly; self-sufficient; organic produce, eco-green & animal/cruelty-free personal care + household products; ayurvedic lifestyle; my yoga practice is completely off the mat; loyal; well-traveled (love developing countries), voracious reader, dry humor, strive for honest communication; mindful, walking quietly on the earth, extremely eco-aware, mad recycler; tropical is my optimal geography; aversion to chemical fragrance - perfume, cologne, laundry soaps, etc; nature, movement, + laughter are medicine; love swimming in warm, tropical waters; passionate about amazing food + breaking bread w/ friends; being of assistance/service, weekly volunteer commitments; stellar sunsets, being in nature; most comfortable + connected near the sea; intensive study of buddhadharma; now shifted into dao + qi studies.
i'm tattoo-free.
i brake for any vintage car show.
classic soul, old-school, funk -- any day, any time.
i have 1 kitty.


strong, silent *type*. you are comfortable in your skin, in your energy, you are quietly and deeply secure w/ self. humble. humility. low-profile.
you are ALWAYS a gentleman w/ friends and strangers.
you are an exceptionally happy being, naturally. you are relaxed, calm, at ease.
my mate is a water lover who must live near the ocean.
you strive to be healthy on all levels and appreciate the opportunity + commitment to grow and evolve.
you have in-depth understanding re: what constitutes real food. you find delight and nourishment in cooked, organic food (vs total raw food diet).
you love exercise and schedule daily movement. internal arts are of deep interest.
you are extremely happy on a daily basis and see the glass as completely FULL! you are in gratitude.
i am not a match for a fisherman, hunter, etc.
laughter/humor is imperative to your well-being.
you are comfortable in silence.
you have exceptional manners and tend to personal hygiene and grooming.
brainy nerds/geeks RULE.
if we share the same organic, wholistic, eco-green, DAO-QI-ENERGY-BASED/DHARMIC/YOGI lifestyle and you are interested, please make contact.
all the best with your search.

vegan organic dark chocolate
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