(  last login Jul 23, 2023     ad #82067 )

Leicester, United-Kingdom
74 years old
Caucasian / White
Agnostic / not religious
Body type:
5' 11"  (180cm)
Not important
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Not home
Want Kids:
Yours are fine
PhD/Post Doc
Income: $40,000 to $60,000
Relocation: Planning to
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

I like to think that I am an optimistic kind of person who tries to take life as it comes. Family and friends are important to me, and I try to see them whenever I can, but I am also independent and content with my own company. A little solitude can be re-energising, but there is nothing to replace that special feeling of being with someone the company of someone with whom I 'connect'.

I like to travel - and hope to do more -and I love walking. Given the choice I would probably prefer a mobile home to a smart hotel for a holiday, but then a bit of pampering now and then doesn't go amiss. I think that not always having a plan for everything can sometimes be fun. I am a vegetarian but not evangelistic about others being so. I love music - especially live gigs - and am still a regular music-festival goer, but I'm just as at home wandering around a country park on a Sunday afternoon. 

Others tell me I'm not bad looking and I like to think of myself as having a youthful and positive outlook.  I try to keep fit and healthy. 


Someone who finds that things like travelling, listening (and dancing) to music, walking in the country, eating out (and in), watching a play, watching a film, going for a drive and seeing where it takes us ....are much more fun and more meaningful when shared with someone else. Someone who is comfortable in their own skin. I won't be dishonest and say that looks are unimportant, but in the end the person inside is what it is really all about (if that doesn't sound too trite!).


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