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Las Vegas, Nevada
70 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 8"  (173cm)
Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Income: undisclosed
Relocation: Unlikely
Relationship: Casual dates OR activity partner

My description:

Enjoy animals, horseback rides, gardening, hiking, writing, nutrition, music, teaching, learning. Spiritually evolving. Independent, with readiness to connect in healthy ways (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, physically). Friendship paramount. 

Learning about nutrition is a hobby I enjoy. Vegan eating became a lifestyle in 2005 after I watched Diet For A New America by John Robbins. A plant-based diet is important for my body, emotions, conscience and soul; and contributes to caring for this abundant amazing planet we inhabit. Although I was raised in a family that served meat, I stopped eating mammals thirty years ago. How could I eat what I was? My life is wonderfully filled with animals (cat, dogs) that are companions, most from the streets originally. Most are seniors now, so I need to be even more devoted to being at home in more frequent intervals. Teaching and counseling has enriched my life for several decades. As I transition away from this work (at least, i am experimenting with that), I look forward to learning more about seeds, seed saving, native plants and preparing plant-based food with more variety. I would love to meet Vandana Shiva and enjoy her vast knowledge and wisdom. I do not drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs recreatiionally, and do not enjoy being around any of these. My hobbies are vast and creativity is at the core. 


Seeking honest, healthy, self-supporting, non smoking, non alcohol drinking, non drug using male with vegan diet who is emotionally and spiritually mature and ready for building a meaningful friendship connection.

Getting to know others that are vegan would be enhancing, and maybe friendship can form. Perhaps there may be somebody that would love to teach others about the importance of plant-based eating and would like to team up with this. Life is full, and after so many years of eating vegan in a SAD world, I am ready to expand my connections with those that understand. If a special relationship formed from enriching my life with plant-based others, then maybe a mutual monoganous partnership would result. I don't know, to be honest. Marriage is not what I am striving for.


vegan organic dark chocolate
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