(  last login Sep 7, 2022     ad #108806 )

New London, Wisconsin
56 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
5' 3"  (160cm)
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Marital status:
Single (divorced)
Have Kids:
At home
Want Kids:
No (more) children
Income: undisclosed
Relocation: Possible
Relationship: Serious relationship/marriage

My description:

I am ...

Passionate and fun loving

Creative and practical

Honest and loyal in my actions and free-spirited at heart

Intelligent and not afraid to be wrong 

Healthy in mind and body, emotionally mature in relationships

Engaged in life and solitary by nature 

Independent and intimate

Reserved and assertive 

A vegan for all the reasons you can think of

A feminist who wants each person to be empowered to enjoy a life full of emotion and achievement 

A Sanders liberal who believes capitalism is a dead end and socialism our path forward

Atheist, spiritual and a deep thinker and feeler 

A devoted mother, successful entrepreneur, sister, healing professional and friend

A genuine, caring and loving woman in search of a "rest of my life partner"...



Who am I looking for...???  It goes something like this...


If you know who you are, and what you want in life, and are still open to learning and growing...

If you are responsive and responsible to the people in your life, and still carefree in spirit, 

If your words match your behaviors and your stated values reflect your daily life...

If you take care of yourself, mind, body and spirit while simultaneously caring about and for all living creatures and this amazing planet we live on...

If you are mature and dependable, and still fun loving...

If you are truly engaged in life and also enjoy your own company...

If you are not afraid to share your feelings and you do so with consideration and maturity...

If you know not only what love feels like but also know what it looks like in action...

If you believe that love is a verb...and if you practice those daily loving actions that cultivate a relationship instead of believing a relationship will "just magically blossom" without any effort, tending or care...

If you believe most people are good in heart and courageous of spirit...



I'd love to hear from you  ... let's meet for coffee/tea! ??

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