(  last login Oct 16, 2022     ad #107791 )

Amsterdam, Netherlands
39 years old
Caucasian / White
Body type:
6' 8"  (203cm)
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Marital status:
Single (never married)
Have Kids:
Want Kids:
Not sure
Self taught
Income: live off the land
Relocation: Yes
Relationship: Casual dates OR serious relationship/marriage OR activity partner

My description:

I am a tall (2.03m / 6'8") spiritual warrior who is connected to my heart.

I honour my emotions and feelings and I’m not ashamed to express them.

I let go of what doesn’t serve me and treasures what does.

I am awake to do the necessary soul work to become all I am meant to be.

I know I do not have all the answers but I am always willing to learn.

I have the highest respect for women and treats them as my equal.

I am self-disciplined and hold myself accountable for my choices – but I am also flexible when I need to be.

I know how to say sorry for my mistakes.

I esteem myself and tell the truth.

I create trust through my actions.

I don’t wallow in shame or guilt for what has gone wrong in the past.

I refuse to blame others for any challenges I have had to overcome in life.

I am caring and compassionate and know how to encourage others to emulate my example.

I live a purpose-filled life, I am optimistic and confident in the direction I am going.

I don’t let life passively pass me by but know how to make things happen.

I am conscious of my higher calling and look for ways to serve others.

I spend time outdoors to allow mymself to be at one with nature.

I am connected to God within and acknowledges him as the Source.

I don’t judge others for believing differently to what I do.

I have a sense of humor and laugh with abandon.

I adore the woman I love for the goddess she is.

I passionately love with an open and vulnerable heart.

I am Casper.

PS. I hold a Dutch and Canadian passport :-) 


Besides being the above warrior, connected to his heart..

I eat plant-based foods, home cooked or a la carte. 


I lift heavy weights, practice yoga and meditate..

I'm sensitive, a dreamer, and sometimes late. 


Alcohol and other stimulants do not serve me any longer..

don't you worry, Ayahuasca made me stronger! 



So you say you want a conscious man, hey?

You do realise this would require you to be a conscious woman, right?

Do you know what that means? Do you understand the demands that unavoidably come with this territory?

It will require your ALL. It will require that you own your shit, all of it, even the deep, dark, hidden, nasty bits.

You’ll be forced to face:

  • The wicked witch within
  • The manipulative bitch who simply must get her way despite the cost
  • The prostitute who sells herself
  • The unhealed, needy little girl who wants constant reassurance from the outside
  • The destructive wild woman who will tear down an entire city simply because she feels like it
  • The unhealthy mother who treats her man like a little boy vs. her lover

The years of hiding the parts of self that aren’t accepted in our society will have to be opened to.

You’ll have to look at your distrust of the masculine square in the eyes and tell it to ‘fuck off’.

You’ll have to catch yourself every time you feel your body or your heart closing. And then you’ll have to work to open it.

You’ll have to let go of the rage, the grief and the pain you hold toward him. You’ll have to soften into an open hearted, completely trusting place so that this conscious man can take you to places you would never and could never take yourself to.

There’s a reason you crave a conscious man. Your heart and your soul knows what’s possible.

But you must be willing to do the work to get there. This is no airy fairy ride that you can transcend your way into and it isn’t for the faint of heart.

Talking to your angels will not get you there.
Opening your third eye will not get you there.
Skimming the surface and dancing around the truth of who you are will not get you there.

Knowing thyself will get you there. Knowing, seeing, opening to and accepting every aspect of yourself will get you there.

Letting go of the walls around your heart, your womb, your yoni and every other part of your body will get you there.

Forgiving every man who has ever wronged you in this life and every other life you’ve lived will get you there.

Forgiving yourself will get you there.

There’s two ways to do this:

  1. You do the work on your own. You open, you release, you heal, you come to wholeness on your own and then you meet a conscious man who is on the same level you are.
  2. You do it together, with a man who meets you where you’re at right now. You evolve together. He becomes consciousness, you become love.

Here’s what’s true, you always attract and inspire a man as deeply committed to opening in love as you are, right now, which means that a man will be conscious and present to the same degree that you are actively radiating your love and allowing life force itself to roll through your being.

If you want a conscious man, go get him! But don’t expect him to fall into your lap. He won’t. It’s against every natural law there is.

Do the work with a man who meets you where you’re at now or do the work on your own until a man who meets you shows up.

Everything else is just wishful thinking and fairytales.

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